The Nazareth Trust

Healing in the name of Jesus since 1861
+44 (0)131 225 9957

World Day of the Sick

The Nazareth Trust, Healing in the Name of Jesus

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World Day of the Sick 2022

Today on World Day of the Sick, the Nazareth Trust offers prayers to those suffering from illnesses and their caregivers. Our prayers are for all our patients in the Nazareth Hospital and our supporters from all around the world.


February 11, 2022

“Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36).

Standing beside those who suffer on a path of charity

Here is what Pope Francis said about Pastoral Care:

“Pastoral mercy: presence and proximity

In the past thirty years, pastoral health care has also seen its indispensable service increasingly recognized. If the worst discrimination suffered by the poor – including the sick, who are poor in health – is the lack of spiritual attention, we cannot fail to offer them God’s closeness, his blessing, and his word, as well as the celebration of the sacraments and the opportunity for a journey of growth and maturation in faith. In this regard, I would like to remind everyone that closeness to the sick and their pastoral care is not only the task of certain specifically designated ministers; visiting the sick is an invitation that Christ addresses to all his disciples. How many sick and elderly people are living at home and waiting for a visit! The ministry of consolation is a task for every baptized person, mindful of the word of Jesus: “I was sick and you visited me” (Mathew 25:36).”

As we raise awareness of the World Day of the Sick, we want to take a moment to honour and give thanks to the Pastoral Care Team at the Nazareth Hospital. COVID-19 had and continues to have a substantial impact on the Nazareth community, causing physical, emotional and spiritual wounds. The Pastoral Care Team has been crucial to mitigate the effects of isolation and anxiety as people were forced to adapt to a new reality: masks, social distancing, closure of businesses, job uncertainty, etc. At the Nazareth Hospital, ever since our story began in 1861, we have always looked beyond physical healing. The wonderful hard work of our medical staff is complemented by the Pastoral Care Team’s emotional and spiritual support, provided to staff, patients, students and visitors, and also COVID-19 patients. Their service is diverse and includes patient and staff visits, home visits, events, prayers for the organisation, prayers over new services and departments and training on various issues in order to promote spiritual wellbeing.

The Pastoral Care Team is currently run by a core team of five people and several volunteers. Since we have over 700 staff and more than 180,000 patients every year, we need to expand the Pastoral Care Team with local and international volunteers. This year’s edition of our annual fundraising event, the Nazareth Challenge 2022, will raise funds for the Pastoral Care Team expansion.


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